Site news!

Hello, fellow Portalites!
The eagle eyes amongst you have likely noted that we’ve been busy; some things have been updated, some others have been changed and we’ve got some new buttons to my left here – the shiny gold buttons will take you to various ways you can fling currency at us to help support Rondak’s Portal and keep it up and running.
Those of you asking for a return of direct Paypal links will be happy to see we’ve finally found a way to make that happen; I apologise for the long wait.
We also have the Oracle on the Portal’s main page; Andi figured out how to make that happen. Clicking on the Portal logo while logged in will return a user to that page at any time. It’s not the New!code, but it’s a small improvement that we hope will help.

Andi is still working on the New!Code; Portal code is difficult. I am not a web developer, never have been, and doing this means learning a number of new skills for me. Add to that my personal views on server security (I feel it is a bad idea to expose a PHP, Python or Ruby interpreter to the internet, which is what about 99.9% of web sites do), and I’m not only learning a new skill, but also, if not breaking new ground, then at least working in an area that is rarely visited. At present, I believe I have a solid foundation for the new Portal code set up, and am working on getting actual functionality, rather than infrastructure to work. My first project is user accounts, and I have had a number of false starts here. I think I have the right idea now, but have not gotten it into actual working code yet.
As always, we invite you all to participate with the Oracle; either by commenting – the comment function /should/ work – or by submitting an article. Have someone you would like to nominate for the Hall of Heroes? Perhaps a Game Master running a game you think deserves a Rondak’s Choice award? Have an idea for GM tips, or see a cool Kickstarter go by? Let us know, either by direct message on the Portal, forum post, email or just a comment here.
The search for either a more stable Internet connection or a new co-lo host for the Portal continues; it begins to look like we’re going to be tacking the cost of a new server on, because the current hardware is going on five years old. That being the case, I am once again going to direct everyone’s attention to the Support links in shiny gold to my left. The price of a cup of coffee from even a few of you adds up fast!
As always, if you can’t afford it, don’t do it.
And, on a nifty closing note; The Dark Crystal is returning to US Theatres in February.
Site has some pretty heavy ads; but interested parties should definitely keep an eye on their local movie theatres.