Site News
Portal migrated to dedicated hosting on the weekend of 2018-01-27. I took the opportunity to upgrade the underlying databse to the most recent release of MariaDB; the bugs resulting from that transition should all be squashed by now. If you folks still see anything defective, let me know.
Another part of the transition was to implement a CSP header for Rondak’s Portal. This header has been configured to permit external entities to only be loaded over encrypted channels (https), and to treat any resource link on the page pointing to an unsecure site as pointing to a secure site. This may break some image links, for which I apologize.
Finally, the security certificate for Rondak’s Portal is set to expire this summer. When it does, I will migrate the Portal from a Digicert to an ACME / Let’s Encrypt certificate, and change from an RSA key to an elliptic curve key. At that point, browser support for EC crypto will be required. Another announcement to that effect will be coming once I know the specific date of the change, and required browser versions.