Gaming News And Randomness

Not news, but I was not aware of this: Cubicle 7 currently has the license to publish a Lone Wolf RPG, and one is in fact available.

Related to this, and news: Cubicle 7 announced a full campaign / adventure path set in Magnamund.

Not-so-happy news: Apparently, Frog God Games’ owner / CEO Bill Webb got himself removed from PaizoCon 2017 for drunk and disorderly conduct. The reason I treat this as notable is that there seems to have been a sexually charged component to his behavior, though all involved (including the victim) agreed to keep this silent. As far as I can tell, FGG is in contact with the victim and doing their best to make amends.

Not tabletop-RPG related, if anyone is looking for a way to spend entirely too damn much time on one hell of a story, check out Nihon Falcom’s Kiseki series, partially localized by XSeed Games as “Trails”.  Handle with caution, that reality is surprisingly addictive.

Finally, have a random filk link.