Kickstarters of Note

Hello, fellow Portalites! Welcome to another round of Kickstarters of Note! It’s been a little slow of late, which is both good and bad – good for the budget, bad for my ability to wave cool Kickstarters around. But, I did find a couple of very interesting looking offerings, one that I think the Portal’s GMs may find very useful!
As always, if any of you see something you think should be featured here, let us know! Either by posting the link yourself in the comments, or sending me or any of the Circle a PM.

Kris McDermott Presents: Digital Dungeon Bytz: Tiles for RPG
So, who’s been building dungeons for PbP games or virtual tables from scratch? Anyone else? Who’d like to have some of that work done already? You too?
Mr. McDermott is offering over a thousand hi-res tiles, in PNG files, to map out anything from interiors to exteriors, catacombs, sewers and a massive ravine map that he claims to be the largest thing he’s ever attempted.
I’unno about you, but this sounds like a great deal for a PbP GM, or a VTT GM .. or really, any GM who needs map tiles for anything.
Modiphus Presents: John Carter of Mars:
For fans of the books, or anyone who wanted a little more from the movie, Modiphus Games has …. well, I’ll let them tell you about it. “John Carter of Mars – Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom is a planetary romance tabletop role-playing game. We’ve created it under license and with the cooperation of the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs, author of the original Barsoom novels. We’ve also had guidance of Scott Tracy Griffin one of the leading scholars of his works to ensure utmost authenticity. Using a pulp-action inspired narrative variant of Modiphius’ 2d20 system, Momentum, John Carter of Mars allows players to take the role of various adventurers and heroes as they travel, battle, and romance their way across the wondrous and dangerous world known to its natives as Barsoom. Play as John Carter, the princess Dejah Thoris or the fearsome Thark warrior Tars Tarkas – or create your own new heroes from a wide variety of options.”
I’m intrigued, and Modiphus has, so far, had a good track record.