Good news everyone! The sli-
No, no slime here. Just a little progress report from the web-design front…
I have a functional (no working links) mockup for what the Portal may look like when the new!code is finished, and I’m going to show you a screenshot!
Rondak’s Portal preview
Very few of the images are final; there are place-holders for things like the stamp, navigation buttons and the side-menu. But the layout should be very similar to what you see here. Obviously, I’m working with the dark sci-fi theme; with what I want to do, this is the easiest theme to start with.
Eventually, there will be a dark fantasy theme, and light variants of both, but this should give you all an idea what we’re working on.
No ETA for completion, sadly; the infrastructure is still being built and tested. However, we’re moving closer.