Gaming News

Things that caught my eye over the past few weeks:

  • Harmony Gold is resuming their legal crusade against BattleTech. You’d think after 20 years and a full rework of the “Unseen”, there would no longer be a case…
  • Catalyst are building a deckbuilding game on the D&D license. Dragonfire is supposed to be in game stores in September, and in general distribution (read, Amazon) by December.
  • Playing RPGs can apparently get a citation for illegal gambling in some jurisdictions – people see dice and assume.
  • The Dark Eye is starting to get sourcebooks on Aventuria – up next, Warring Kingdoms
  • There is also a full campaign in translation, with two out of six adventures released. Not quite as substantial in terms of page count as Paizo’s AP releases, but the TDE ones only contain the adventure, without the world-building content.
  • Coriolis – The Third Horizon is out. Looks like an interesting space-opera type RPG, set in a world that very much feels like Arabian Nights in space.