Gaming News

Concentrating o nPathfinder today, because PaizoCon.

  • Paizo is branching out. Apparently, there is a license out for a digital CCG, Kingmaker is being turned into a computer RPG (Baldur’s Gate style), Pathfinder Online is still running
  • Branching in a different direction, details about Starfinder were announced. System plays, as far as I could tell, like Pathfinder, most of the mechanics are compatible. Setting put me in mind of the last arc of Valerian and Laureline – Golarion is gone. A giant space station remains.
  • The adventure card game is being paused for at least a year, more likely two, while Paizo figures out a better model for the product. The current slew of giant boxes and add-ons was getting ridiculous.
  • Next Adventure Path, starting at GenCon, will be Ruins of Azlant. About time we learn something about that part of the world.